Academic 和 Career Counseling

Academic 和 Career Counseling offers the following services to applicants 和 current students: 

  • Academic services on an individual basis, 按照要求, by students 和 faculty 和/or staff referrals.
  • 学术咨询, individual 和 workshops, for students who need information 和/or training on a variety of academic skills including: time m26层, 学习技巧, 测试以, 沟通技巧, 以及压力管理.
  • 职业咨询, 职业评估, 和 career exploration using self-directed searches 和 aptitude inventories to determine interests 和 aptitude for available degrees, 文凭, 和证书.
  • Referrals for students to academic 和 personal services offered by the Success Center 和/or additional campus 和 off-campus resources.
  • Referrals for students to the Disabilities Counselor for screening of possible learning disabilities 和/or accommodations for documented disabilities.
  • Referrals for students to the Special Populations Coordinator for resources available to eligible students including single parents, English Language Learners (ELL) 和 students in programs non-traditional for gender.
  • A note about referrals: If you receive a call from us, an instructor or staff member may have submitted a request for us to contact you through the Technical College System of Georgia E基于“增大化现实”技术 Alert M26层 System (TEAMS) to offer you support or services, to help manage attendance or academic issues.

Academic 和 Career Appointments: 现在的时间表

Career Exploration Web Sites

由联合国赞助.S. Department of Labor, is your source for career exploration, training, 和 jobs. Includes 职业评估, 工资信息, 和 information for job seekers with disabilities, 退伍军人, 转行的, 曾经的罪犯, 和更多的.

我的下一步行动 is sponsored by the U.S. Department of Labor, Employment & Training Administration, 和 developed by the National Center for O*NET Development. Includes bilingual (English 和 Spanish) information for career exploration, information for 退伍军人, 和